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NY Giants SB XXI
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Method of Everything

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Why Methods Used in Science Obtain False-Positive and False-Negative Evidence    

My invited speaker presentation was misplaced into an off-topic session and could not be properly placed in time for the meeting. Out of respect for those presenting in the Unusual Superconductors session, I thought it best to withdraw my presentation and post it on YouTube instead.

NOTE: The 2024 APS March Meeting presentation will be available on YouTube soon. Please check back for the update. The presentation includes new information recently discovered.

The Method of Everything

My next paper is now available online as a preprint at the Center For Open Science.  It is a review of the evidence obtained from the 12-year Tempt Destiny Experiment (2000-2012) that led to the discovery of (nonlocal) hidden variables which was predicted by Albert Einstein nearly a century ago. This discovery reveals why scientific methods used to study nature obtain false-positive and false-negative results. Anyone who has had medical lab results (blood work, COVID-19 tests, pregnancy tests, etc.) is familiar with this shortcoming of current scientific methods. Now we know why. As you will read in the article, the methods used in science are at best incomplete. I hope that you will find my article enlightening and become aware that science can indeed do better than this. After more than a decade since this discovery the question remains, when will scientists accept the laws of nature and how many more lives will be needlessly lost due to false diagnosis?

  Publisher of Tempt Destiny Paper - HACKED!

In the letter of intent (May 26, 2023) to Nobel laureate Alain Aspect, I pointed out how experimenter bias (omission error) was played out regarding the Higgs boson assumed discovery. Note, the letter was CC to the members of the Nobel Committee as well. On June 13, 2023, I became aware that the journal hosting my peer-reviewed paper that revealed said discrepancy was offline. The publisher informed me that their website was hacked and held for ransom. As of June 20, 2023, the journal and my paper are now back online: Assumed Higgs Boson Discovery Proved Einstein Right

something from nothing

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Manuel Morales. I have created artwork for the US Olympic Committee, magazines, book covers, advertisements, private commissions, and most notably in support of the NY Giants SB XXI and SB XXV quests. Each time I did this they went on to win, a 2-for-2 record. This history was documented and licensed by the NFL as the NY Giants Super Bowl Commemorative Series (see link). Nearly a decade later, the artwork served as a catalyst to conduct an online experiment here at which began in 2000 and ended in 2012. The objective of this experiment was to see if football fans and I could "tempt destiny" to repeat what was done twice before and in the process confirm if destiny, otherwise known by physicists as superdeterminism, can be empirically confirmed.

On February 3, 2008, the nonlocal no-go experiment at obtained unambiguous empirical evidence that the logic used to practice science is incomplete (see APS presentation for details). In other words, existence is not causal of motion, motion causes existence. In physical terms, this means that energy is created and thus not conserved as currently understood. This discovery means that the local hidden variables Albert Einstein had predicted nearly a century ago are in fact nonlocal. This also means that Albert Einstein was correct about quantum mechanics not being a fundamental nonlocal theory due to hidden variables at play. More importantly, the discovery of two mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive nonlocal hidden variables revealed why local scientific methods obtain false-positive and false-negative results. With knowledge of this fundamental omission (see Higgs boson discovery error), the inclusion of the nonlocal hidden variables in the local methods used in science will then advance it to be a complete study of nature.

"Surely, someday, we can believe, we will grasp the central idea of it all as so simple, so beautiful, so compelling that we will all say to each other, 'Oh, how could it have been otherwise! How could we all have been so blind for so long!' - John A Wheeler


Theoretical physicists John S. Bell once predicted, "The only alternative to quantum probabilities, superpositions of states, collapse of the wave function, and spooky action at a distance, is that everything is superdetermined. For me it is a dilemma. I think it is a deep dilemma, and the resolution of it will not be trivial; it will require a substantial change in the way we look at things."

Please be sure to visit the "Science" page for more information regarding my research.

Morales signature

© 2000-2023 Manuel Morales

BTW - Did you see me on this "This Bud's For You" Budweiser commercial from 1984-1985 airbrushing a flying Clydesdale onto a van (back in the days of Manny's Murals). Who would have thought that creating art would have led to this?

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